Most of you know I'm a candyaholic, along with the rest of the Horn family. Most people think this includes chocolate, but surprisingly, it doesn't. Before you gasp, this doesn't mean I don't like chocolate, I just don't love chocolate. I still enjoy my favorite Caramello or Fruit and Nut bar, but rarely do I get the "MUST HAVE" chocolate craving. Blake on the other hand probably prefers chocolate, which is why I try and make chocolate desserts once in a while. Blake loves his mom's chocolate chip cheesecake, chocolate chip crepes, chocolate chip pancakes, anything really. I want my cheesecake drowning in raspberries, but to each their own.
This was something I made because I had all the items in the house. I had bought cake mix the other day in preparation for making Guinness cupcakes, but I realized EVERYONE has made those and figured I'd try something new. Blake loves cheesecake and it's so easy to make I figured what's better then cheesecake than cheesecake AND cupcakes. These are super easy to make because of the cake mix, but I will warn you I used about 1/8 of the cake mix for 12 cupcakes. If you plan on making 24, you'll still have more left over, so plan on making a cake or something on the side.
Chocolate Cake Mix:
**The below three items depend on what mix you buy**
Vegetable Oil
2 - 8oz. Packages Softened Cream Cheese
3/4 Cup Sugar
1 tsp. Vanilla Extract
1/4 Cup Chocolate Chips ( I used a chocolate bar that I had in the house)
1 Chocolate Bar
10 Caramels
1. Begin by pre-heating the oven to 350 degrees. Line your cupcake pans and have them ready to go. Mix the cake mix according to the boxes directions and spoon a small spoonful into each cupcake liner.
2. In a mixing bowl, add the cream cheese, sugar, and vanilla, and mix until well incorporated with a hand mixer. Once the cheesecake filling is well combined, mix in the chocolate chips.
3. Spoon a heaping spoonful into each cupcake liner on top of the cake mix.
4. Bake in the oven for 18 minutes. Once finished, remove from the oven and let cool. While the cupcakes are cooling, melt the chocolate bar either in the microwave or in a double boiler. At the same time, over medium - medium high heat melt the caramels. Add a splash of water to the pot to help the caramels along their way.
5. When the caramel and chocolate are finished melting, drizzle the chocolate and caramel on top of each cupcake, and put in the refrigerator until completely cooled.
Q: What are 5 things that make you happy right now?
1. My Fiance - The fact that I can call Blake my fiance is enough to put a smile on my face. The other day we went ring shopping and seeing him try one on made my heart flutter a bit. I'm not one to openly be emotional, but I will say that I was smiling the rest of the day after that. When I think about our wedding, as hectic as planning can be, I'm so excited.
2. My school- This is not because I love going to school or love Wayne State. The reason this made it to number two, is because I'm very close to being done. I cannot wait to finish and never look back. Wayne State was great and has given me more knowledge than I could have ever planned for, but I am so over being in school and poor. I need a job, not want one, need.
3. My cat - How many of you are actually surprised that Izzy made it on this list? None? I figured. People already know I'm a freak about my fat cat, but it's because she gives me unconditional 24/7 love. Plus, since we're having an amazing sunny week, she is even cuter. She rolls around in the sun and meows out of delight. There is truly nothing cuter. I also love that I can come home and always count on her to greet me at the door. One dislike: Izzy's body thinks it's spring and she is officially shedding like a mo fo.
4. The past month - I have officially had my first month since last August of not having a migraine. I cannot even begin to describe how exciting this is, and I'm hoping I have finally gotten them under control forever. There was a period of my life in which I had a migraine or two a week. This is debilitating, especially when you are in Graduate School. Not to mention, they are exhausting and beyond painful. My latest worry, the season change. This usually causes a migraine here and there and I really don't want my streak to end.

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