
Friday, November 9, 2012

It's the Little Things: Moving on up

I've been working on getting back into painting.  I was so busy this summer with the wedding and my internship at the hospital, that I didn't have any energy left to put towards being "creative."  I finally finished my painting for a friend of mine, and I got to put my new initials on it!

We're in the process of moving out of our apartment. Although we don't officially have to move out until the end of the year, we're starting now.  I have to laugh about the fact that my entire life can be put into one box. All I need is cats and cook books.

The Citrus plant Blake and I got for our shower has baby lemons!!!!!!!!! It's also getting more buds... I'm so excited I can't even describe it!

Don't forget to head over to Hello Hue to join up in the "Little Things" link up!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Nicky, I would be as excited as you are over the lemon buds! I love things like that. I love your painting and so glad for you that you're getting back in the swing of things creatively. I hope your weekend is the best.
