
Sunday, July 22, 2012

Stacked Caprese Salad

Something about home grown food is so satisfying.  Somehow our little balcony garden survived in this insane heat wave.  Luckily this year, we've been getting the perfect amount of sun and shade.  Last year, the tree in front of our balcony was much shorter, and because of that, our balcony was in constant sunlight. It made for a hot apartment and also very crispy plants.

Our golden tomatoes have finally ripened, which seemed like it took forever.  I wanted to use them for something natural that would accentuate the flavors instead of hide them.  What's better than a Caprese salad with home grown tomatoes? The answer must be nothing.  To add some flare, I decided to stack it a bit differently than usual and use a basil vinaigrette instead of just the plain old leaves. 

2 Large Tomatoes
1 Large Ball Fresh Mozzeralla
1 Cup Basil
1/4 Cup Olive Oil 
1/4 Cup Apple Cider Vinegar
1 Tbs. Dijon Mustard
1 Tbs. Honey
Salt and Pepper

1.  Using whatever tomatoes you like, slice them to create equally thick slices. Do this with the Mozzarella as well, and set aside until ready to stack.

2.  In a small food processor, combine basil, Dijon mustard, honey, vinegar, oil, salt and pepper.  Blend until well combined.

3.  Stack the tomatoes alternating with the mozzarella.  Make sure to salt and pepper each tomato slice you stack. This will really bring out the flavor and the sweetness of the tomatoes.  Drizzle with the Basil Vinaigrette and splash with a few drops of Balsamic Vinegar.

Question #11:

What are 5 pet peeves that you have?
1.  People who are rude.
Life is too short for this.  It takes all of 3 seconds to hold open a door, say thank you, or shoot someone a smile.  I like to imagine that everyone has been taught manners, however that's probably not the case.  I have witnessed people in society that embarrass me and I don't even know them.  There is no excuse for this and I have zero tolerance for it.

2.  Driving under the speed limit. 
The speed limit is put on the road for a reason.  If you cannot follow it you should move on over for the rest of us that can.  I like to enjoy life just as much as the other people around me, but I've also got places to be.

3.  Soft Talkers
I've been blessed with an amazing best friend, but I always make fun of her because she is also the quietest person I know.  I like to listen to my TV at an extraordinarily loud level and I expect people to speak loud enough for me to actually hear them.  I HATE having to strain to hear someone or having to ask them to repeat something over and over again.  You can throw mumbling in here as well. 

4.  Throwing your cigarette out of your window
Really.. Really?  What in God's name gives someone the right to throw their nasty half smoked cigarette out a window?  I have to imagine that the Nicotine has kicked in and altered their brain waves, because as far as I know this is still littering.  Not to mention disgusting.

5. Bad Grammar
I know that I am probably calling the kettle black here, but this is still a huge pet peeve.  I have met many educated people who still say "got none." Please for all that is holy in this world, make a full and complete sentence.  What worries me is how terrible our tweens will be speaking because of all this text lingo.  God save their souls. 

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